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月度归档: 2024 年 6 月

ubuntu systemd-resolve占用53端口的解决方法 adguard 安装

转发 亲测好用!!! 在Linux系统中有些软件(如:Dnsmasq解锁Netflix中的Dns等服务)可能要用到53的端口,但有些系统提示已使用(required port 53 already in use )。使用“netstat -tlunp|grep 53”查看53端口是不是systemd-resolved占用了(Oracle Cloud 永久免费 VPS/甲骨文免费VPS 就是这样)。如果是,下面为解决方法: 1、先停用 systemd-resolved 服务 2、编辑 /etc/systemd/resolved.conf 文件 3、换下面说明更改,然后按一下“esc”键,再输入“:wq”(不要输入引号),回车保存即可。 4、最后运行下面命令即可。

ESXi 安装紫屏 问题解决

Video of ESXi install workaround for Fatal CPU mismatch on feature for Intel 12th Gen CPUs and newer 转载,亲测好用!!! I have been noticing more and more users that have acquired hardware that includes the latest Intel 12th Generation CPU (Alder Lake) and even the newest Intel 13th Generation CPU (Raptor Lake) for use with ESXi. Starting with the Intel 12th Generation CPU, Intel has introduced a new hybrid “big.LITTLE” CPU architecture that integrates two types of CPU cores: Performanc…